His history

His history
In the 10th century , La Foret was the stronghold of Beaujolais. An André de la Forest was taken prisoner at the Battle of Varey (February 1325, between Charles IV the Fair and the English). La Forest was acquired in 1498 by Jean Namy and belonged to this family for more than two hundred years. Coming from a family of the people, from Thizy, the Namy soon bore the name of their fiefdom.
We have seen that, during the siege of Thizy, the Sieur Namy de la Forest was among the opponents of Henri IV and locked up in the castle.
La Forest passed, in 1700, to the Beaudesson family, then, around 1750, to the Chesnard de Mauzerand.
M. de la Rochette writes:
"The old castle occupied the site of the current garden. It was jacket and strong but poorly distributed: small, narrow and dark corridors served a large number of small rooms. After the Revolution, the then owner had the old one destroyed. castle to raise the dwelling to the modern one we see today ".
Extract from the book Thizy-Bourg-de-Thizy - Robert MAUGER. Robert DUBUIS

The location
Former stronghold on the territory of the right bank of the Trambouze, in Bourg-de-Thizy. The Château de Laforest faced the Bourg plain and the Thizy promontory was destroyed in the 17th century and replaced by a more welcoming residence which is today.
The two towers of the castle were built with the stones of the old fortified castle connected by a moat allowing at the time to boat. The photos of the time, the archives and testimonies allowed us to retrace the history of the Château de Laforest that we acquired about fifteen years ago after having been uninhabited for 40 years.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Since the acquisition, it has been a perpetual effort to revive the Château and its many remains while preserving the work that was done at the time thanks to the collaboration and support of the Bâtiments de France.
The Château de Laforest is located in the town of Thizy- les-Bourgs located 50min from Lyon, 20min from Roanne and 10min from Lac des Sapins .